I haven't participated in a writing contest in a while, but this prompt got my creative energy going (inspired by recent true events at our house) :)
The Contest from Susanna Hill: Write a maximum 250-word children’s holiday story (children here defined as age 12 and under) about a Holiday Countdown! (Click here for more details, or to read more entries!)
Without further ado, my entry (at 244 words)

“The Twelve Slimes of Christmas! It’s finally here!”
I giggle and set up my lab for the year.
Food dye and borax! Water and glue!
Those are the basics for each slimy brew.
My station is ready. I tie back my hair,
and label each jar with my typical flair.
First Peppermint Pudding and Cranberry Squish,
then Gingerbread Flurry and Mistletoe Wish.
There’s Evergreen Sprinkle and Sugarcream Mist.
That’s six festive slimes I can check off my list!
Clay covers my hands, and there’s fear in Mom’s eyes.
She gasps while I stir up some Reindeer-Poo Pies.
Just five slimes to make, and the carpet’s a mess,
but clearly my work is a smashing success.
Now Gran’s at the door and I hear an “Oh NO!”
as I dump out my glitter for Wonderland Glow.
Four slimes to mix and it’s not even lunch,
I can’t wait to blend up some Foam Blizzard Crunch!
Three slimes to prep, but my Dad’s face looks grave,
I used up the foam that he needed to shave.
Just two slimes remaining, here’s Grinch’s Green Goop!
The last is for sissy, my Charcoal Slime Soup.
“I did it! Twelve Slimes!” Then I wait for applause,
but four grumpy faces suggest that I pause.
My methods were perfect, so what did I do?
A garland of slime is a glistening clue.
‘Tis the season to gather and share from the heart,
let’s make slime together, twelve’s just a start!
